The "NeoConsortium" project is an artistic project initiated by Caroline Duclos and Danielle Gutman Hopenblum in 2014. The NeoConsortium is a fictional global company that produces contemporary art as irregular polyhedrons called Moduloform.
This fiction is developed by a group of visual artists, designers, engineers, etc... Any media is valid (installation, performance, drawing, sculpture, photo, software, writing, etc.), the scope of the project is enriched by the diversity of its contributors.
The artwork produced in the framework of this project, documents the alleged production or the imaginary functioning of a company, while it is being invented. Each piece of art contributes to the development of this fiction.
Each exhibit is an opportunity to engage in new issues. In addressing a wide variety of domains in which we are involved, we relate and explore the multiple aspects of the project.
All media are valid, it is the variety of the contributors that enhances the scope of the project.
All productions are collected and brought together on this site.
We would like to express our gratitude to Monsanto, Bayer, Nestlé, IBM, Apple, Volkswagen, Bouygues, Total, Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Disney, Nike etc., which are a daily source of wonder and an endless source of inspiration.
Some achievements
ExoForm, retrospective and prospective
ExoForm, retrospective and prospective, on the occasion of I is an other ? exhibition as part of Némo Biennale 2023 at Centquatre Paris.
Panoptic Moduloform
Demonstration of Panoptic Moduloform, on the occasion of Au-delà du réel? as part of Némo Biennale at Centquatre Paris.
Panoptic Moduloform is produced by Centquatre Paris, with the support of S+T+ARTS S2S.

In Memoriam Petroleum
Inauguration of the monument dedicated to the end of oil In Memoriam Petroleum and auction in support of oil companies and their shareholders as part of Cahors Juin Jardin festival
October 2020
NeoConsortium's team : Danielle Gutman Hopenblum, Anne Vorms, Jean-Louis Ardoint, Nicolas Goetschel, Adi Timbolschi, Louise et Micha (interns), Sabine Goldberg, Fred Tolfey, Laurent Ardoint
- Cahors Juin Jardin festival, especially Isabelle Marrou, Estelle Blanchon, Bastien Lemaitre, Alain Astruc and Diane Boutet,
- For the help for builing and installing the monument: Laurent Reynaldi and his family, Jean-Paul Bach, Mercadier company
- For the inauguratio : Jean-Marc Vayssouze-Faure, Mayor of Cahors, Johan Vacandare, deputy in charge of ecological transition and citizen participation, Olt quintet
- For the auction: Master Philippe Montaubric, bailiff, as well as all the participants

Presentation of NeoConsortium at Nova_XX exhibition
November 2019 - January 2020
Danielle Gutman Hopenblum
Thanks: Stéphanie Pécourt, Sara Anedda, Emmanuelle Hay-Bleton and all the staff from Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles/Paris

Inauguration of the Office for Anticipation of Disasters
Turning of the Hublot into a showcase displaying the catalog of the Office for Anticipation of Disasters, presenting also the first commemorative Moduloform. Public reception
Le Hublot, Ivry-sur-Seine
October 2019
Danielle Gutman Hopenblum, Anne Vorms, Julie Yülle, Micha (intern), Jean-Louis Ardoint
Thanks : Jean-Philippe Pellissard, Reine Taëvran
Agroaesthetic Lab
Installation of four Agroaesthetic labs, associated performances, presentation of the catalog of the Office for Anticipation of Disasters, presentation of the NeoConsortium's ©abin
"(dé)végétaliser" exhibition, Espace d'Art Chaillioux, Fresnes, France
From March to May 2019
Danielle Gutman Hopenblum, Anne Vorms, Jean-Louis Ardoint
Thanks : Hervé Bourdin, Lisa D'Agostini, Fabrice Charbonnier, Jean-Luc Ferré, Pascal Planchant, Laurence Robinsohn, Louise Ardoint, Laurent Ardoint
Moduloform, update your interior!
Exhibition/installation of Modulodesign furnitures and objects, along with official images of the Tercentenary , lab’ d'e/lAboRaTory, Paris
November 2017
Danielle Gutman Hopenblum, Anne Vorms, Marianne Abergel, Julie Yülle, Jean-Louis Ardoint
Thanks : Séverine Assouline and all the staff from d'e/lAboRaTory, Laurent Ardoint
Centaur Moduloform
3D printed sculpture and storytelling, as part of the "Jardins Synthétiques" festival, exhibited at Musée Saint-Raymond, Toulouse archaeology museum
October 2017
Danielle Gutman Hopenblum, Jean-Louis Ardoint
Thanks : Pierric Blum, Amandine Luma, Camille Allard, festival team and the whole staff of Musée Saint-Raymond
NeoConsortium's Cabin
Timber construction, as part of the exhibition Beaux lieux, Beaulieu-lès-Loches, France
Residency at Hervet's workshop
June 2017
Danielle Gutman Hopenblum
Thanks : B2X association, Clotilde Beauvais, Jean Jacques Hervet, Mrs Bourreau, Mr Liardet, pupils from the woodworking class from Lycée Thérèse Planiol of Loches

Agroaesthetics lab
Installation and performance at K.A.B, Square des Batignolles, Paris
September 2016
Jean-Louis Ardoint, Caroline Duclos, Danielle Gutman Hopenblum, Anne Vorms
Thanks : Nathalie Borowski, Hélène Lassalle, Hubert Rivey, Louise Ardoint, Nicole Desjardins, Ulysse Bordarias, Laurent Ardoint
Migration of Glassy Moduloform
Installation, "Correspondances" exhibition, Chapelle Saint Sauveur, Issy les Moulineaux, France
June 2016
Caroline Duclos, Danielle Gutman Hopenblum and Jean-Louis Ardoint
Thanks : association "Fabrique et d'ailleurs"
Emergence of a Moduloform in social housing from the 1950s
Installation carried out as part of "Nuit Blanche" in the social housing building (OPH), Ivry-sur-Seine, France
November 2014
Caroline Duclos and Danielle Gutman Hopenblum
Thanks : Gérald Goarnisson, OPH workshop and Emmaüs Liberté (Ivry-sur-Seine)

Third attempt at blue
Installation as part of the "Under The Wave" exhibition at the hotel Molitor, Paris
October 2014
Caroline Duclos et Danielle Gutman Hopenblum
Thanks : Balder, Accord Group